Sunday, January 10, 2016

Cast of Characters

For when I could not be bothered to explain who everyone is throughout the duration of the text.  Also, you'll probably get confused anyway, so this will be a helpful tool.  Any descriptions given here are meant only for distinction.  Character and personalities will be revealed through the telling of our stories.

Alex - The patriarch
Sue - The matriarch

Robert - The first born and the patriarch's eldest son from his first marriage.  Ten years older than his next half sibling, and therefore seemingly permanently estranged from The Nine.

Arlene - The patriarch's eldest daughter from his first marriage who was killed by a drunk driver at the age of 20.

The Nine - a numerical term used to refer to a group of nine siblings or in other publications, the nine Supreme Court justices.

"The Older Set" - four or five elder siblings all of whom were born before Arlene's death

Paul - The eldest of The Nine and the second first-born son.  His identity was shaped by already having two older siblings who were in and out of the picture and then four younger sisters born within 5 years of his birth. What I am saying here is he exhibited only about half the traits typical of a first born.
Lynn - The eldest girl of The Nine.
Jane - The second eldest girl of The Nine.  Permanent childhood companion to her younger sister Marie.
Marie - The third eldest girl of The Nine.  Permanent childhood companion to her older sister Jane.
Alexis - The middle child of The Nine whose identity is formed just as much by being the youngest of the Older Set as being the oldest of the Younger Set.

"The Younger Set" - four or five younger siblings.  Four of whom were born following Arlene's death.

Alexis - The middle child of The Nine whose identity is formed just as much by being the youngest of the Older Set as being the oldest of the Younger Set. 
Charles - The only other boy born into The Nine.
Rose - The seventh of The Nine. Also, the author of this work (for the most part).
Lynne - The eighth of The Nine who was almost named Octavia due to her position as the eighth child.  I hope she thanks God every day that Alex and Sue thought better of that one. 
Noelle - The ninth and youngest of The Nine.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Re-Cap of One “Extremely Annoying” Christmas

Sorry it took me a while to get it to you - I needed this long to recoup from the mental anguish that was Christmas 2007.  I love you all - can't wait for Easter!

Number of American Girl Dolls received, brought and played with: four
Number of pairs of red pants for said American Girl dolls brought half sewn, lost and found after a very long and agonizing (and some might say annoying) search: four
Number of glasses of White Zinfandel mom drank: two
Number of times Brian went out to the car to fix himself a drink: three or four
Number of shots of whiskey taken in honor of Brian’s arrival: two (it was a bet)
Number of people who took some form of medication at some point during the festivities: at least two (Lynn and Bernie in case you were wondering)
Number of items broken: one (punch bowl ladle)
Number of household items lost (and later found): one (my bathtub stopper)
Robert’s number for mom’s crazy gift giveaway: Red Three
Number of mom’s crazy gift giveaway gifts that got left at my apartment (only one of which do I believe I am the “rightful” owner): at least five – deck of card, a candy maker, a sombrero ashtray, salad bowls and wine charms
Number of people that cried: three – dad and Rose (over Jane’s gift to dad) and Reese after she fell off the bed
Number of people that probably wanted to cry at some point in the day: how many of us were there? 22
Number of times I really wished I had more rooms in my apartment:  a million
Number of times I wished Alexis et al, Charles and Leigh were there: I lost count